Wednesday, 18 April 2012

20 Things To Do Before I'm 40

Yes, I have another 8 years but I have a lot planned and will need the dollar to proceed with said plans!!

  1.  Take my sproglets to Walt Disney World Florida next year.
  2. Get down to a reasonable weight: This is an ongoing bugbear of mine and ideally the weight will be lost in the next 16 months in time for No.1
  3. Plan at least 1 fancy dress party.....just because!!
  4. Go to NYC for a long weekend shopping with the girlies.
  5. Take my sister to Las Vegas for her 21st (in 4 years time), can you see the USA theme!!
  6. Change my hairstyle and experiment with clothes....atm my hair is long, dark and curly, my clothes are pretty non descript which translates into I don't stand out of the crowd and people rarely remember seeing me.
  7. Fall madly in love.
  8. Move away from my hometown.....I don't know if this will be do-able, but it's an option and I've already moved away once and came back.
  9. Start saving for a rainy day.
  10. Keep up with my beloved Blog.
  11. Make new friends.
  12. Seeing as I've just landed a new job, I want to excel in what I do and see what opportunities come my way.
  13. Enjoy cooking more.
  14. See the Aurora Borealis
  15. Visit Rome
  16. Visit Paris
  17. Take the sprogs to Egypt
  18. Spend 3 months in Canada...I've always wanted to live in Canada but would need to go on an extended holiday just to make sure I like it.
  19. Parachute out of an aeroplane....attached to an experienced person of course
  20. Reconnect with my spirituality.
I was trying for 40 Things, but I really can't think of that many things that I want to do that I haven't already done before.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

My Ultimate Favourite Blogs to Read....

The D Ways

The Shull Family

The Massey Family

I Heart Organizing

This last blog, I have already read once, but I'm sharing with you because the story has to be shared, but be warned, it is so very sad. It's a Mother's account of raising her son who suffers from a rare genetic skin disease called 'EB'

Tripp's Story

Now time to share your favourite blogs with me x

Wednesday, 11 April 2012


I saw this clip on another blog and watching it for the first time, I don't think I've laughed so much at an American comedian. Not that they aren't funny mind, just that they have such a different sense of hunour to us Brits. But watch it and see what you think.

Monday, 9 April 2012

Easter 2012 Part 2

Wow, what fun we've had these past 2 days: On Saturday, we waited in all day for a postal delivery that never came, I'm a bit miffed about that, as it was our Disney jigsaw that we were going to start tonight for our Family Games Night, but that's Royal Mail for you!! But we did get our Easter Cake delivery and I have to say they were simply delicious.

I took the kids into town to walk off some of that energy and there were teacups to ride in, they begged and pleaded to go on them, but at 2 pound a pop it was very expensive, cue more pleading and whining from the kids until I gave in. It did give me a laugh to watch them spinning around and giggling so much.

On Easter Sunday, Erin tried to wake me up at dear child, it is only acceptable to wake Mummy up at 6am on Christmas Day!! She was just so excited about our little Easter Egg Hunt:

It was very wet and dreary but certainly didn't dampen their spirits.

Yesterday was also the day for the kids to hurt themselves; Erin fell over and hurt her knee and Damian split his head open, both were fine after a little attention and some kisses and cuddles, but it sure scares the crap out of me when it involves head wounds and lots of blood....who would know so a small cut would bleed so much.

So with the kids considerably hurt, I'll leave this post with a few other pics taken over the weekend.

Happy Easter to all!!

Saturday, 7 April 2012

4 Day Easter Weekend

How nice is it to finally have a long weekend: when I wasn't working I totally took my free time for granted and since starting my new job, the weekends fly by too quickly, trying to cram in a weeks worth of housework, parenthood and me time into 2 days doesn't work too well.

So we are now into day 2 of 4, the weather isn't too great but we are waiting in for a postal delivery and cake delivery. The kids are really looking forward to tomorrow and all the fun things we have planned.