Tuesday, 1 April 2014

We all need strong, confident women in our life

Being a parent is tough, being a single parent is even tougher! This is why it is so important that we surround ourselves with a good support network.

I recently posted about my group of girlfriends and the need to let my hair down and just be Laura and it seems a lot of you have similar views. I'm very lucky to have such a great group of friends, each in their own stage of life whether that be single, married, engaged or in a serious relationship, we each bring our own aspect which makes for a wide range of conversations.

Outside of my group of friends, I also have many strong, confident female role models:

My mum is my biggest supporter, we may not always see eye to eye and we clash far too many times for me to list them, but she made me the person (and parent) I am today, she raised myself and my brother as a single parent and she did it with the same fierce pride and independence that I have for my own children.

There are not enough words to describe my Gran, she's the head of our family, the one who raised my Mum to be who she is. I love my Gran very much, she's a fighter and will fight to the very end. One thing's for sure, she wont go to her grave quietly!

Unfortunately, I do not have any photos of my Step Mum, but she also deserves a huge mention. Alongside my Mum, my Step Mum also made me the person I am today. I go to her for the in depth conversations that I can't have with my Mum. I vividly remember her telling me as a child that I should never settle for second best, I should always go for what I want and this has become a personal motto, if something isn't going right then change it, if a relationship isn't working out then walk away, life is far too short.

Now how lucky am I to have all these strong, confident female role models in my life and to be able to call them family!! Who knows how I would have turned out otherwise!



  1. A wonderful list of women, and just think that one day you may be on someone's list too! Thanks for linking to #AllAboutYou


  2. Go women! What a strong list! Thanks for linking up to #AllAboutYou

  3. Great post, I love your blog and I have started following you with Bloglovin and GFC. If you ever get a chance to check out my blog I would be delighted, thanks!
    Camille xo.


  4. Thanks for the article, its really very useful.
